The website offers an online classifieds posting and consultation service.

The consultation as well as the publication of Free Classified Ads are subject to the unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions of Use. Any User and any Individual Advertiser declares by accessing and using the classifieds deposit and consultation service from the website, to have read these General Conditions of Use and expressly accept them without reservation and / or modification of whatever nature. These T & Cs are therefore fully enforceable against Users and Individual Advertisers.

Use of the Classified Ads deposit and consultation service

The functionalities accessible to Individual Advertisers as well as to Users are as follows:

  • Consultation of all Classified Ads published
  • Establishing contact with the Individual Advertisers by means of the publication on the Website of the email address of the Individual Advertiser and, if provided by the Individual Advertiser, of his telephone number.
  • Sharing a Classified Ad via the sharing buttons on the pages

The advertiser is informed and accepts that his classified ad will not be broadcast instantly after it has been posted on the site for technical reasons and / or moderation period. Classified ads are moderated and validated by the publication manager before posting on the site. The Individual Advertiser is informed and accepts that the Publication Manager reserves the right not to publish and to delete his Classified Ad if the latter does not fully meet these Terms of Use and in particular the distribution rules detailed below.

Each modification is subject to further moderation. During moderation, it will not be visible until it is approved by the Publication Manager.

The advertiser is informed and accepts that by publishing his classified ad on the website, it may be shared by any user and/or any other private advertiser on the social networks Facebook and Twitter, via the buttons of sharing integrated into the Classified Ads consultation pages.

At any time, an Individual Advertiser may request the withdrawal of all or part of his Classified Ad by making his request to the person in charge of the publication via the contact form.
When creating the ad, the user or the Individual Advertiser will receive an email containing a key to modify the ad directly. You will also need to enter the email address used to create the ad. As said before, any modification is subject to a new moderation, which will make it unavailable until it is validated again.
Likewise, any User, including Individual Advertisers, is permitted to report abusive content to the Publication Manager.

If the Individual Advertiser is contacted via the form integrated into the website, the administrator will receive a notification of the exchange as well as the content of the message.

Distribution rules

1 – Good practices when submitting a Classified Ad:

  • the text of your ad must be as complete as possible
  • the photographs must be of good quality
  • Be sure to correct any spelling or typing errors. Avoid abbreviations and writing in capital letters. An advertisement whose too many errors prevent general understanding will not be retained for publication.
  • Write original content, not appearing on any other website.

2 – General prohibitions when posting a Classified Ad:

The following are prohibited when posting a Classified:

  • photographs featuring recognizable people,
  • identity theft of a third party (in particular use and the email address and / or telephone number of a third party) and content violating the intellectual property rights of third parties (in particular photographs), for which it does not have the necessary authorizations from the beneficiaries,
  • comments that violate human dignity and content promoting for-profit services.

The Individual Advertiser is informed and accepts that the person responsible for the Publication is free to delete all or part of the content contrary to one or more provisions of these T & Cs and this, at any time, without notice or prior warning.

As moderation does not allow all illegal content to be detected a priori and in particular content infringing the rights of third parties, the User renounces any action against the APE and its team in the event of use contrary to these T & Cs or of ” illicit exploitation of the service for depositing and publishing Classified Ads by any Individual Advertiser.

3 – Visibility of the ad:

After moderation of the ad by the APE and its team, the ad will remain visible from the time it was posted and will remain visible for 360 days. Once this period has passed, the ad is considered to have expired. It will remain stored for 31 days before being permanently deleted.

4 – Modification of the ad:

Once the ad is published, its author can modify it using a code received by email. Each modification will be subject to a new validation.

Modification of the deposit and consultation service for classified ads and T & Cs

The APE and its team reserve the right, at any time, to modify or interrupt the accessibility of all or part of the service for filing and viewing Classified Ads and / or the website of

The APE and its team reserve the right to modify all or part of the T & Cs at any time. Users and Individual Advertisers are invited to regularly consult these T & Cs in order to be aware of any changes made.


Classified: refers to all the elements and data (visual, textual, photographic, email address and telephone number of the Individual Advertiser) submitted by an Individual Advertiser under his editorial responsibility.

Individual Advertiser: refers to any natural person of full age or legal person acting exclusively for private and non-commercial purposes and having submitted and posted a Classified advertisement via the site.