The APE is a Student’s Parents Association of the Lycée Jean Giono of Turin.
Its mission is to respond to the students and their families, building partnership and bridging the gap between home and school.

  • The APE represents the families at the Conseil d’Etablissement (School Board Meeting), participating as an integral role in the review and decision making of key topics.
  • The APE serves as the correspondent of information between the school and the families, through the collaboration of the class representatives.
  • The APE suggests and organizes event and activities, within the school life as well as extracurricular activities.
  • The APE team is available by appointment, to listen to the parents and the students who want to bring up topics to our attention and work together to clear them or find solutions.
  • Last but not least, the APE is engaged in welcoming and help to settle the new families relocated to Turin!