Christmas 2023 at Giono

Christmas is around the corner and Giono is preparing for the whole month of December !
Mark your calendars !

Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th December > Sale of chocolate profits for the association of children with heart disease (Regina Margherita Hospital)

Wednesday 6 December and Monday 18 at 8am > Middle school choir directed by Mrs Bosio

Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th December > Donation of games for ‘Save the Children’

Wednesday 13 December > ‘Uno Zaino per Te’ to help the homeless. Delivery of bags

Monday 18 December > Sale of Christmas hair and headbands by CVC students

Tuesday 19 December > Christmas lottery

Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st December> CHRISTMAS MARKET from APE Bénévolat

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